

1. 翻译自Joel M. Matta, M.D.的文章Excellence in Clinical Practice: How to Improve Your Clinical Results.Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma,2005,19(6):p432-434.
2. 译文部分参考自丁香园的帖子:Joel M. Matta大师的教义和作为一个普通的创伤骨科医师的我的感悟

Dr. Joel Matta is an Orthopaedic Surgeon Practicing Hip and Pelvic Reconstruction. He is the founder and director of the Hip and Pelvis Institute at St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif. A veteran of 35 years in the practice of orthopaedic surgery, Dr. Matta also is the founding President of the Anterior Hip Foundation. He has published more than 30 articles and studies on the advancement of techniques and methods used to simplify and improve hip replacement, pelvic and acetabular fracture treatment and periacetabular osteotomy.


What is the formula for excellence in orthopaedicclinical practice? Certainly, there is no set formula for everyone. These aremy thoughts based on what I have learned from others, as well as my personal experience.


There are a number of ways that excellence can be measured, but I think the most important one is the benefit or the clinical results that we provide to our patients. Excellent clinical results exist in many settings and are not necessarily related to the notoriety of the surgeon or institution.



My first recommendation is to pursue a type of practice based on your passion. You should find your niche according to your interests and abilities.


Monetary reward will influence our activities to a degree; However, you sell yourself short if you place money first. Fortunately,in orthopaedics we can “have our cake and eat it too.”


Our specialty allows us to enjoy our work as much as sport, gain personal satisfaction and community recognition, and also be well compensated. I think the key to all of these benefits is our passion and commitment to our work. There are few careers available that combine the pleasure of both manual and intellectual challenges.


注:金钱的私欲是医生的短板。就此短短一截的距离即可使你对卓越的临床实践难以企及。就像Matta教授说的,金钱不是追求,而是你有所成就后的自然而然的回报;这种回报的对象,即医生,是被动的(be well compensated)。我们自己的蛋糕,即骨科领域,有着丰富的回报足以让我们享用。得到回报的前提是作为医者的你对临床工作的激情和担当。


Although we are surgeons, and the job we do in the operating room is probably the most important, we also must take pride in our one-on-one skills with patients. If patients are able, the more that they understand about their problem, the better. Detailed preoperative and postoperative explanations can help the final result. I also rely on patient-information publications and my own website to inform the patient and family.



The surgeon must be disciplined regarding their physical examination of the patient with acute high-energy trauma. The patient should be completely undressed and all skin areas visualized. In addition to a complete and detailed neurovascular examination, all the extremities that do not have an obvious deformity should be palpated and moved. Use x-rays liberally.


For the subacute or chronic problem,listen carefully to the patient. You need to always assume that the patient is telling the truth and is not crazy or a “crock.” There are many problems that we don’t yet understand,and everyone does not fit neatly into a category. Many old trauma problems,such as malunions and nonunions, require a unique solution that you need toinvent. The extra time that you spend in planning and consultation in these patients will make a difference.



At times we find ourselves at a loss with patients, particularly those with chronic pain problems who often will say “you’ve got to do something” or “I can’t live likethis.” The justification for surgical treatment should not be based on such desperate reasoning. Surgery should always have a probability of success when undertaken. In some situations, you may have nothing to offer the patient, and in that case it is best to say so.


In a few cases, I have gone so far as to tell patients that they should quit seeing doctors before somebody operates on them. A large proportion of these difficult patients are chronic narcotic users. I believe it is our responsibility to limit prescription of these medications to acute or terminal situations, such as neoplasm.




Be an expert in the interpretation of x-rays,CT, and magnetic resonance imaging. These imaging studies combined with the clinical factors provide the main indications for surgery.

Have indications for surgery; do not operate just because a fracture is present. The integrity of you and our specialty suffers with the application of faulty indications for surgery. Operating without the proper indication is not justunethical, it is an assault.



We all must aspire to perform the highest quality of orthopaedic surgery that we are capable of doing. Within your chosen niche, you should do everything you can to learn from the best.


Read publications and texts. Attend courses. As we interpret medical data, large multicenter studies report the standard level of care that is present as an average across centers. Pay attention to the results of experienced and knowledgeable single surgeon series. The large single surgeon series can represent the level of results that can beobtained with dedication to that subject.



  1. 高层次的学习方法:向业界最好学习并着重于学习单个医生的关于某一领域的大的代表世界最高水准的系列研究。代表普遍水准的多中心的研究成果可让我们知道业界的大多数精英都在怎么做、如何做。
  2. 中等层次的学习方法:只看课本、书籍来学习处理问题的一般原则和方法。
  3. 一般层次的学习方法:无阅读及思考而仅凭带教老师或主任言传身教的学习方法。


Visit and observe patient care and surgery with the field’s best. Most orthopaedic surgeons are open to this. A corollary to this is: learn and adopt the best existing techniques completely before attempting to modify them or develop new ones. By doing this, the maximum benefit to the patient can be obtained, and in some cases disasters can be avoided.


As a resident in 1978, I attended my first Swiss AO Course. On returning home, I was delighted to be presented with a tibial plafond fracture. I operated enthusiastically; however, as the months progressed, I watched in horror as greenbone fell out of the wound. I had learned how to plate and screw the bone, but not how to make the proper incision and handle the soft tissues.


Similarly,successful acetabular fracture surgery is achievable with the specific combinations of the operating table, patient positioning, surgical approach, reduction techniques, and implants.

I have a few visitors who wish only to peer into the open wound. It bears repetition that you should learn and adopt the best existing techniques in their entirety before attempting to modify and develop new ones.This knowledge will keep you from repeating the mistakes of past failed techniques and forms the basis of our technical evolution.


注:除了认真学习以外,我们也应该虚心和踏实:不要轻易得怀疑知名学者的成果、推翻现有的诊疗常规、“改良”甚至“发明”新的器械及技术。如果经过论证你可以这样做,那么一定需要建立在熟练学习和应用现有最好技术的基础上。否则,常常会重蹈覆辙或失败。上世纪70年代末,Matta教授是带着怀疑的心态到法国向享誉世界的髋臼重建大师Emile Letournel学习的。通过逐渐的学习和认知,他逐渐拜服并把Emile Letournel尊为他人生中最为重要的两位mentor中的一位。他在一次近来的采访中说道他常会把一些新的想法运用于髋臼骨折的手术中而不遵循Emile Letournel所教授的方法,结果到最后发现行不通而还要用EL的方法从新来过(而此时的他早已蜚声世界)。他还说了以下三句话:

“I think we have to learn to live with the fact that very few surgeons can invent something truly novel. Most of us should accept that they need to learn the knowledge that's gone before, and to try to be as good as those who are achieving the excellent results. This may be hard to swallow, but that's how it is.”

“ The protocoland techniques developed by Emile Letournel have the merit of being there, of being efficacious, but also of being the best supported by clinical follow-up and clinical data. Everything proposed by Emile Letournel is supported by very advanced statistics. These results have been confirmed by Jeff, by Keith Mayo,by Eric Johnson, by myself, and by many other surgeons.

Emile Letournel教授已离世20年了,他所创的髋臼骨折的分型标准、手术入路、复位技术等至今仍在应用而未被后辈(包括Keith Mayo、Eric Johnson还有Joel Matta本人)超越

“It would be a shame if the surgery of acetabular fractures were to get overwhelmed by too many unproven novelties. It is one thing to devise a new technique; it is quite another to show that the techniqueis valid, and superior to the techniques currently available.”


Is everyone created equal as surgeons? Of course not. Surgery is a combination of intellect and motor skills. I would say that intellect is by far the most important factor. The most important factors before surgery are an understanding of the fracture and establishing a good preoperative plan, including setup, approach, reduction, and fixation strategies. Concentrate your plan more on how you will reduce the fracture rather than how you will fix it. Reduction is typically a bigger problem then placing the implant. For a given surgery, one of several implants may be applicable, and your familiarity with a device may be the reason to use it.



I think that surgeons are best judged not by a surgery in which everything goes well, but by how they react when things start to go wrong. I have witnessed ‘flails’ triggered by panic with the situation going from bad to worse. The high stress of a problem situation should ideally trigger your mind to a higher level of focus to deal effectively with the unexpected problem. Experience and contingent strategies can help in these situations.



We need to critically assess the result of the surgeries that we perform. I would say that a minority of my surgeries is performed completely to my satisfaction, particularly acetabular fractures. Postoperative x-rays always should be a stimulus for thoughts regarding how things could have been done a little better.


注:Matta教授这种时刻自我批判的品质,或许,是他能有如此大成就的秘诀。他的髋臼骨折手术的优良率在85%,比他的老师Emile Letournel提高了10%。

采访原文:“In my series,I have had a 15 percent incidence of poor results. This includes, of course,the 3 per cent infections. There were, of course, patients who had lesions that could not possibly be treated, but also patients whom I should not have operated.”


How critical is speed when performing surgery?At the beginning of my career, I did not consider speed to be important; now I think it is, although admittedly not the most consequential factor. I think speed is a benefit in limiting tissue trauma and infection. It also is an economic factor for you and the hospital as well as one that limits the number of patients you can benefit.


During my early years of operating on acetabular fractures, I was assisted for the first time by my chief, Gus Sarmiento, on a Kocher-Langenbeck approach to a transverse plus posterior wall fracture. If you know Gus Sarmiento, you know that he is not a particularly patient person. Gus’first words at the scrub sink were, ‘Joel, how long is this going to take?’My response, ‘Gus, relax and get ready for a 4-hour case.’ His response,‘Four hours, I’ll give you 2!’ The case took 2 hours and the result was asgood as my 4-hour cases; from that time forward, similar cases took approximately 2 hours.

在我早年的主刀的髋臼骨折手术中,其中一例髋臼横形加后壁骨折的手术是经Locher-Langenbeck入路且第一次由我的主任(Gus Sarmiento)作为我的助手而完成的。假如你了解Gus Sarmiento,你会知道他不是一个特别有耐心的人。Gus在洗手池旁对我说的第一句话就是“Joel,这台手术需要多长时间?”我回答:“Gus,放松点,准备好做一台四小时的手术吧!”而他的回应却是“四小时?!我只给你两个小时!”结果,这台本来准备做四个小时的手术仅仅用了两个小时而且结果却一样得好。从那时起,类似的手术均耗时两小时左右。

Conversely, you should take whatever time is necessary to achieve the desired result. Speed is not a primary goal but should increase progressively with your years of experience. Watching a good surgery go quickly means that you will not see particularly fast movements, but rather well planned and effective ones.



As an orthopaedic surgeon, you are the organizer and leader of the operating room team. You assume this role, regardless of whether you are inherently organized or an obvious leader type. I don’t think that personal charisma or forcefulness is a prerequisite for leading an effective operating room team. The factors that I consider most important are planning, respect, education, and encouragement for your team members and working with your team in a hands-on way.The concern that you show for the patient and the commitment that you show to achieve an excellent surgical result will rub off. By all means, don’t be the one who is responsiblefor delays, or your tardiness and lack of efficiency also will rub off. Leading the teamto improve performance and efficiency is a job that never stops.



Surgical complications are inevitable, and the indication for any surgery must be judged relative to their potential incidence. When a complication occurs, an honest discussion with the patient at an early time is essential. There is a tendency to feel guilty and to avoid the inevitable discussion with the patient and family. It is important to use the word ‘complication’ and confront the situation openly and directly. The patient will at least take comfort that you are no less involved in their care and will do everything possible to ensure a positive outcome.


Surgical wound complications, such as hematoma and infection, are some of the most difficult to face and potentially harmful to the patient. Three orthopaedic surgeons can look at a wound regarding infection and say no, maybe, or yes. It is easier to pronounce a colleague’s wound infected than your own. Saying ‘infection is present’ to you, the patient, and also writing it in the chart clears the way for providing effective treatment.



The public often believes the myth that miracles in medicine are the norm. The truth is that we treat most problems with significant limitations with respect to our understanding and knowledge, and it is likely that we will retrospectively view many of our current treatments as primitive. Getting good results after orthopaedic trauma entails great difficulties. We,therefore, need to practice with honesty and humility.



I believe that a simple documentation system,including diagnosis, treatment, complications, and results, is a big help in quality control. Simple data forms that can be coded in a prospective manner and entered into a computer database may not add a great deal of time and expense to your practice. This information can guide the evolution of yourpractice methods. It is important to have results to compare to improve ourresults. Changes to improve results are best used for groups of patients or fractures with a high level of poor results and/or complications.




I like to give credit to my mentors. In my own career, my most important mentors have been Augusto Gus Sarmiento and Emile Letournel. I take pride in my own contributions to orthopaedic knowledge, butrecognize that a huge basis of my practice is what I have learned from others.

我由衷地钦佩我的良师益友。在我的职业生涯中,我最为重要的师友是Augusto Gus Sarmiento和Emile Letournel。我对我对骨科学术领域所做的贡献感到自豪,但我清楚地知道我(卓越)临床实践的巨大基石乃为我自他人所学。

I consider health and lifestyle to be important in my performance as an orthopaedic surgeon. Some restraint with food and alcohol, as well as exercise, benefits you and your patients. I think a mistake that most of us make is not taking enough time off. I once asked Harald Tscherne how much vacation he took. He answered, ‘Six weeks.’ I said that must include your educational travel. ‘No,’ he said, ‘six weeks vacation.’ None of us would question Prof. Tscherne’s commitment or productivity.

我认为,在我作为骨科医生的临床工作中,健康体格和生活方式很重要。有节制的饮食、酒精和锻炼会施惠于你和你的病人。我想,我们中大多数人所犯的错误就是没有花足够的时间来休养身心。我曾经问Harald Tscherne他一年休多长假期。他说六周。然后,我说那肯定包括他的教育(指参会授课等)旅行。“不”,他说:“纯粹的六周时间。”事实上,没有任何人会质疑Tscherne教授的贡献和成果。

You have carefully selected your career and have passed an extensive training and selection process to become an orthopaedic trauma surgeon. The evolution of your practice toward improved clinical results will make it all the more exciting and rewarding.
