说明: 1. 翻译自Weatherley CR, Emran IM, Newell RL.A modification
of the standard midline posterior approach to the intertransverse area
of the lumbar spine.Ann R Coll Surg Engl,2010,92(1):19-22.
医生:Hi, Joe, how are you doing? 患者:Fine, doctor. Pretty
good. 医生:I remember that last time you were here you said that
you were planning a trip to Chicago. How did it go? 患者:Great,
Doc. We had a lovely visit. Saw all the relatives and took in a Cubs
game at Wrigley Field. Thanks for asking. I’m amazed you
医生:Mrs. S., I want you to take the first few minutes to tell me
what you think is most important about this. Then I’ll want to ask you
some questions before I examine you.
三、读万卷书,行万里路 1.
2. 我以为,定义一个好的临床医生可有3个境界。 *
首先,应该掌握本专业基础知识、基本理论和基本技术; *
再进一步,要在学术上不断提高,跟上国内国外学术发展的步伐; *
* 对于各种手术的适应证是不是已经了如指掌了呢? *
* 你也许会说我只是个小医生。但老医生都是从小医生成长起来的。 *
读书的习惯也是从小医生时就应该养成的,否则将来凭什么去带小医生呢? 8.
四、论文 ### (一)SCI论文 1. Dai LY, Xu YK, Zhang WM, Zhou ZH, Wang YJ.
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Surgical treatment of nonunited fractures of the odontoid process: with
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atlantoaxial subluxation or instability. Eur Spine J 2000;
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Remodeling of the spinal canal after thoracolumbar burst fractures. Clin
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spondylolysis and mild isthmic spondylolisthesis by bone grafting: with
or without facet joint fusion. Eur Spine J 2001; 10(1):78-83.23. Dai LY.
Orientation and tropism of lumbar facet joints in degenerative
spondylolisthesis. Int Orthop 2001; 25(1):40-42.24. Dai LY. Mechanism
associated with thoracolumbar burst fractures: a biomechanical study.
Chin Med J 2002; 115(3):336-338.25. Dai LY. Low lumbar spinal fractures:
management options. Injury 2002; 33 (7):579–582.26. Dai LY, Yao WF, Cui
YM, Zhou Q. Thoracolumbar fractures in multiply injured patients:
diagnosis and treatment--A review of 147 cases. J Trauma 2004;
56(2):348-355.27. Dai LY. Significance of prevertebral soft tissue
measurement in cervical spine injuries. Eur J Radiol 2004;
51(1):73-76.28. Dai LY, Ye H, Qian QR. The natural history of cervical
disc calcification in children. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 2004;
86(7):1467-1472.29. Dai LY, Jin WJ. Interobserver and intraobserver
reliability of the Load Sharing Classification in the assessment of
thoracolumbar burst fractures. Spine 2005; in press30. Dai LY, Jiang LS,
Wang W, Cui YM. Single-stage anterior autogenous bone grafting and
instrumentation in the surgical management of spinal tuberculosis. Spine
2005; in press31. Dai LY, Zhou Q, Yao WF, Shen L. Recurrent lumbar disc
herniation after discectomy: outcome of repeat discectomy. Surg Neurol
2005; in press
Dai LY. Lamitotomies withiout fusion for degenerative
spondylolisthesis with spinbal canal stenosis. The 68th Annual Meeting
of the AAOS, San Francisco, 2001.2. Dai LY. Radiculopathy after
multilevel laminectomy for cervical compression myelopathy: a minimum
5-year follow-up. The 69th Annual Meeting of the AAOS, Dallas, 2002.3.
Dai LY. The natural history of cervical disc calcification in children.
The 30th Annual Meeting of the CSRS, Miami, 2002.4. Dai LY. Surgical
management of cervical spondylotic myelopathy: is one-stage anterior and
posterior procedure necessary? The 70th Annual Meeting of the AAOS, New
Orleans, 2003.5. Dai LY. The outcome of limited discectomy for lumbar
disc herniation: ten-year follow-up. The 72th Annual Meeting of the
AAOS, Washington, DC, 2005 (accepted)6. Dai LY. Treatment of lumbar
spinal stenosis by laminotomies and interspinous fusion: a long-term
follow-up. The 72th Annual Meeting of the AAOS, Washington, DC, 2005
(accepted) ### (三)走上国际学术讲坛:出席AAOS有感
###(一)脊柱侧弯方面的进展 1.
Weinstein等去年发表在JAMA上的一篇文章。 > Weinstein SL, Dolan LA,
Spratt KF, et al.: Health and function of patients with untreated
idiopathic scoliosis: a 50-year natural history study. JAMA 2003;
idiopathic scoliosis)患者虽未经治疗,
> Lenke LG, Betz RR, Harms J, et al.: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a new classification to determine extent of spinal arthrodesis. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 2001, 83:1169–1181. 所考虑的问题更加全面,对选择融合范围的指导性更强,近几年围绕Lenke分类有几篇文章, 当然也提出了一些意见。问题是如果分类覆盖的范围越大就会越复杂,也越难掌握。4. 此外,前路胸腔镜手术、前路开放手术以及椎弓根螺钉的应用等,究竟会给手术治疗带来什么影响都是值得关注的问题。总的原则是要在融合范围尽可能小的前提下取得满意的效果。在我们这个国家还有一个比较突出的问题,那就是怎样更省钱?###(二)请问往SPINE杂志或类似的外国期刊投稿时有何技巧?(不考虑文章内容,实验方法等客观的因素,只考虑投稿的技巧,即若何能让编辑考虑发表)1. 技巧始终是第二位,有新意永远是第一位的。
* 首先要告诉审稿人你的内容是有新意的(但不能胡吹)
* 其次要让人知道你的工作既是有新意的又是重要的
* 根据创新性和重要性的不同你所能发表文章的档次也有所不同2. 要把与你文章关系密切的文章尽可能都读过,在前言部分综述一下,告诉人家现状、不足,和你的假设和本文的目的(要具体有针对性)。3. 材料和方法:要详细。4. 讨论:
* 要强调你的发现是什么?
* 有什么意义?
* 与别人的工作有什么不同?
* 本研究的不足和缺陷是什么?5. 参考文献:重要的都要列出,列出的都要读过全文。6. 别在小处让人家扣分,比如不要写错别字。
说明: 1. 参考自Yue BY,le Roux CM,Corlett R et al.The arterial
supply of the cervical and thoracic spinal muscles and overlying skin:
Anatomical study with implications for surgical wound complications.Clin
iliocostalis lumborum: lumbar part (where its insertion is in the
12th to 7th ribs).
iliocostalis thoracis: its insertion runs from the last 6 ribs to
the first 6 ribs.
iliocostalis cervicis: runs from the first 6 ribs to the posterior
tubercle of the transverse process of C6-C4.
longissimus thoracis: originates from the sacrum, spinous processes
of the lumbar vertebrae, and transverse process of the last thoracic
vertebra and inserts in the transverse processes of the lumbar
vertebrae, 竖脊肌腱膜(erector spinae aponeurosis), ribs, and costal
processes of the thoracic vertebrae.
longissimus cervicis: originates from the transverse processes of
T6-T1 and inserts in the transverse processes of C7-C2.
longissimus capitis: originates from the transverse processes of
T3-T1, runs through C7-C3, and inserts in the mastoid process of the
temporal bone.
spinalis thoracis: which originates from the spinous process of
L3-T10 and inserts in the spinous process of T8-T2.
spinalis cervicis: originates from the spinous process of T2-C6 and
inserts in the spinous process of C4-C2.
spinalis capitis: an inconstant muscle fiber that runs from the
cervical and upper thoracic and then inserts in the external occipital
Deep branch通常来自锁骨下动脉(第二或第三段),但也有25%来自transverse
cervical artery。在这种情况下,Deep branch也被称为the deep branch of the
transverse cervical artery。而Superficial branch和Deep
branch的结合部被称为cervicodorsal trunk。
Descending branch (also known as superficial cervical
Cadaveric studies have revealed that cutaneous perforators are linked
by either reduced-caliber "choke" arteries, or by vessels without change
in caliber, the true anastomoses.
Anteroposterior X-ray image of the thorax following injection of the
superior and posterior intercostal arteries (both orange).
说明: 1. 参考自Moghimi MH, Leonard DA, Cho CH et al.Virtually
bloodless posterior midline exposure of the lumbar spine using the
"para-midline" fatty plane.Eur Spine J,2016,25(3):956-62.
Hostin et al.代表国际脊柱研究小组(International Spine Study
failure是导致成人脊柱畸形手术后近端交界性后凸畸形(proximal junctional
kyphosis)的第二大常见因素(the second most common vehicle)。
Ekman et
Butterman et
loss),手术时间(operative time)和临床结果(clinical
同样,Fraser et
Fig. 10.3. Skull traction. Cone callipers with spanner(扳手) (A);
marking the scalp with two lines (B); sites for insertion of Crutchfield
callipers (•) and Cone callipers (X) (C).
Jacob Bickels在Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgical