说明 1. 部分参考自Joanne Reading博客: (1) Understanding How
Anticoagulants Work (2) The Clotting Cascade Made Easy! (3)
Massive Blood Transfusions and Making the Blood Clot!
说明: 1. 翻译自Miller BJ, Cram P, Lynch CF, et al.Risk factors
for metastatic disease at presentation with osteosarcoma: an analysis of
the SEER database.J Bone Joint Surg Am, 2013,95(13):e89.
National Cancer Institute. Surveillance epidemiology and end results:
county attributes. 2012 Apr 16.
http://seer.cancer.gov/seerstat/variables/countyattribs/. Accessed 2012
Aug 5.
or urban setting和肿瘤病史之间的关系。
Finally, a series of regression models were used to examine the
association between presentation with distant metastatic disease and an
array of patient and county-level measures including sex, age, race,
histologic subtype, tumor location, tumor size, composite SES score,
rural or urban setting, and history of cancer.
The sensitivity analysis that involved the entire cohort of 2017
cases and included the summary variable representing whether or not a
patient had a recorded value for tumor size yielded estimates that were
similar to those of the primary analysis.
However, there is substantial uncertainty and debate regarding
whether age itself is a risk factor or is simply a surrogate for other,
more important, aspects of the disease.
This may suggest that there is a critical level of collective
understanding and infrastructure below which the risk of metastasis at
presentation increases.
为了确保术前检查的合理性,美国心脏学会(American Heart
Association,AHA)、美国心脏病学会(American College of
Cardiology,ACC)以及美国麻醉医师协会(American Society of
It predicted cardiac risk as well as established risk factors
including coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure and high
risk surgical procedure.